We Make Tha Call

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Damn ya'll its been a minute!

What up, what up??!!

It’s been a long ass time since we posted some shit up on this bitch but damnit we been busy!

Jamals in the Studio workin on a remix and I’m on tour in Dallas, back to Seattle for a day then off to Orlando! But we will both be back in Seattle in 2 weeks and have scheduled a muthafuckin shit talkin session!!! So hit us up on myspace we're looking for weird ass stories from news, currents events, that shit that happened at the club last night, that ghetto ass shit your homegirl did to you behind ur back, that trick you use to get punk ass muthafuckas to buy you drinks, the tactics you use to get some without buyin greedy ass bitches drinks and any other funny, controversial, time savin, money makin or just plain weird topics! Damn that was a long ass sentence! But gotta have a little sumthin for everyone ;-)

We'll post the session before we hit the road again at the end of the week...

If we use your topic we'll send you one of the new WeMakeThaCall.com t-shirts!

I’ll post some pics when I get back from Dallas

Twon & Jamal